تاريخ: 29/6/1403 - ساعت: 11:56

• Amir Mehran



- Birth Place: 1981,Sabzevar,Iran
- B.A from IRIB (Iran TV Faculty as Animation Director).
- Member of ASIFA .
- Member of Iranian Young Cinema Society.
- The beginning of work in Cinema with making the short film “Silence of Shadows” in 1998.
- The beginning of work in the field of Animation with making the short Animation “The Bird” in 1998. 

Short Films:

- The Bird (1998)
- The Direction (2000)
- The Worm (2003)
- The Dream (2004)
- “Persian Paintings” - Animation Series (2006-2007)
- The Lost Waves (2008)
- Cold Blood (2008)
- The Fall (2009)
- Silent City (2009)




آخرين به‌روزرساني: 2009-03-28